Experiment design. A, Schematic of experimental groups. II: neonatal incision on postnatal day 3 and repeat incision two months later in adulthood (ELP model). NI: littermate control with equivalent anesthesia, handling and maternal separation on postnatal day 3 and first incision in adulthood. Con: pooled data from animals having neonatal incision only and from age-matched nonincised litter mates from the same colony. B, Experimental protocol for probing the impact of ELP on adult cortical pain processing and pain behavior. Upper scale, Timeline for recording cortical LFPs and pain behavior, where * marks days of simultaneous eVF hair stimulation and LFP recording. Lower box, Detail of testing protocol for recording resting LFPs and eVH evoked LFP recording on days marked *. C, Schematic of the experimental set-up for simultaneous recording of neural LFP activity in mPFC and S1 in awake adult rats using wireless telemetry while applying eVF hairs to the plantar hindpaw. D, Sample traces of simultaneous S1 and mPFC EPs evoked by mechanical eVF stimulation of the plantar hindpaw.