Fig. 2. Cell types of macaque V1 are aligned with well-established human and macaque datasets.
a UMAP visualization of the integration of the combination of macaque (downsampled to n = 4728 neurons) and human (n = 3158 neurons) excitatory neurons using Harmony. b UMAP visualization of the macaque and human excitatory neurons clusters after alignment. c Cell-type homology of macaque and human excitatory neurons, estimated by shared cluster membership between the two species. Gray shade corresponds to the proportion of co-clustering between macaque cells and human nuclei. Rows show macaque cell types and columns show human cell types. d RNAscope mFISH shows the co-localization of FEZF2 (red) and SYT6 (green) in L6 of macaque V1. Scale bar, 200 μm. e RNAscope mFISH confirms that HTR2C (green) is mainly expressed in a subset of FEZF2 (red) glutamatergic cells in L5/6. Blue, DAPI. Co-labeled cells in L5 are indicated by white arrowheads. Scale bars, low magnification, 100 μm; high magnification, 20 μm. f The quantification of FEZF2+SYT6+ across layers of macaque V1. Data are mean ± s.d. and individual replicates are shown as dots. n = 3 macaques. g The quantifications of cell distribution across layers of macaque V1. Count of FEZF2 + HTR2C + cells. Data are mean ± s.d. and dots show the data points for individual macaques. n = 3 macaques. h UMAP visualization of the integration between two macaque datasets (n = 6023 cells from our dataset and n = 4823 cells from Han et al. snRNA-seq dataset of neocortex). i UMAP visualization of macaque V1 cell annotations using the same UMAP coordinates in (h). j UMAP visualization of macaque cell dataset from Han et al. using the same UMAP coordinates in (h). Astro astrocytes, Oligo oligodendrocytes, OPC oligodendrocyte progenitor cells, EX excitatory neurons, IN inhibitory neurons. k Cell type homologies between our dataset and the Han dataset, predicted based on the shared cluster membership. Rows show our macaque populations, and columns show the Han dataset. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.