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. 2022 Oct 24;12(21):2910. doi: 10.3390/ani12212910

Table 6.

Effect of selenium nanoparticles–MOS supplementation on the histomorphometric parameters in duodenum, jejunum and ileum broilers chickens reared under higher stocking density.

Parameters Control
Se–0.15–MOS + HSD SeNP +
SeNP–MOS + HSD Pooled
Duodenum, 21st day data
Villus height (µm) 1137 a 1042 b 1115 ab 1124 ab 1123 ab 1142 a 1147 a 8.019 0.007
Villus width (µm) 101.04 93.31 92.61 99.42 99.04 99.45 96.25 3.168 0.320
Villus surface area (µm2) 361,475 a 304,792 b 324,121 ab 352,046 ab 348,291 ab 356,802 a 347,095 ab 4270.17 0.007
Crypt depth (µm) 154.94 160.75 160.08 158.52 156.44 160.42 151.37 1.489 0.732
VH:CD 7.42 ab 6.54 b 7.06 ab 7.16 ab 7.25 ab 7.14 ab 7.67 a 0.247 0.011
Duodenum, 42nd day data
Villus height
1650 a 1317 d 1338 cd 1366 cd 1425 bc 1429 bc 1495 b 14.29 0.000
Villus width
170.65 158.90 158.77 158.92 157.49 155.86 158.27 1.445 0.275
Villus surface area (µm2) 884,642 a 657,264 665,588 c 682,652 bc 706,649 bc 696,825 bc 743,346 b 10,163.53 0.000
Crypt depth
174.88 bc 197.97 a 178.33 bc 175.67 bc 177.30 bc 171.37 bc 164.84 c 1.778 0.000
VH:CD 9.53 a 6.81 e 7.56 cde 7.84 cd 8.14 cd 8.38 bc 9.12 ab 0.245 0.000
Jejunum, 21st day data
Villus height (µm) 926 877 872 893 884 887 911 4.657 0.067
Villus width (µm) 82.48 79.40 79.95 83.22 80.27 80.27 82.78 0.733 0.851
Villus surface area (µm2) 240,439 218,984 218,797 233,088 222,755 223,569 237,322 2399.13 0.162
Crypt depth (µm) 126.19 123.16 124.18 130.23 136.67 132.95 130.76 1.551 0.231
VH:CD 7.47 7.22 7.10 7.94 6.50 6.77 7.04 0.182 0.648
Jejunum, 42nd day data
Villus height (µm) 1148 a 933 c 954 c 975 c 1025 bc 958 c 1066 ab 12.09 0.000
Villus width (µm) 110.27 107.04 99.60 100.38 102.81 106.06 104.74 1.483 0.481
Villus surface area (µm2) 398,380 a 314,717 b 300,175 b 307,284 b 330,606 b 320,809 b 351,421 ab 6682.17 0.001
Crypt depth (µm) 163.70 165.51 161.20 162.35 160.27 158.37 160.45 1.278 0.763
VH:CD 7.08 a 5.69 d 5.96 cd 6.03 bcd 6.43 abc 6.10 bcd 6.70 ab 0.087 0.000
Ileum, 21st day data
Villus height (µm) 694 673 676 666 674 677 680 2.552 0.211
Villus width (µm) 103.01 100.42 95.2944 97.87 103.39 106.47 106.71 1.251 0.168
Villus surface area (µm2) 225,440 212,342 202,381 204,697 219,426 226,493 227,966 2896.18 0.094
Crypt depth (µm) 83.69 90.24 88.14 88.78 87.54 88.75 88.57 0.749 0.590
VH:CD 8.34 7.53 7.74 7.57 7.78 7.73 7.75 0.072 0.156
Ileum, 42nd day data
Villus height (µm) 801 748 762 757 769 755 799 5.948 0.174
Villus width (µm) 163.61 147.78 153.28 151.97 158.07 152.41 155.35 1.821 0.451
Villus surface area (µm2) 411,334 a 347,431 b 366,548 b 361,416 b 381,458 ab 361,616 b 389,802 ab 5236.46 0.044
Crypt depth (µm) 169.46 174.62 170.91 169.44 163.94 166.67 164.40 1.060 0.102
VH:CD 4.75 ab 4.35 c 4.39 bc 4.52 abc 4.72 abc 4.55 abc 4.89 a 0.044 0.012

a–e within the same row means that those with different superscripts are significantly different (p < 0.05). Values represent means of eight replicates. NSD: normal stocking density (10 birds/m2), HSD: high stocking density (16 birds/m2), Se: selenium, SeNP: selenium nanoparticles, MOS: mannan oligosaccharide, VH:CD: villus height to crypt depth ratio.