Figure 1.
Overview of soybean DEGs in moderate resistance and susceptible response to RLNs. PCA of RNA-seq data with each color showing clear genotype, time-point, and treatment (infected and non-infected), where treatment is the differentiating factor among samples (a). Venn diagram showing unique and shared differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in BRS and TMG as common expressed genes under RLN infection, from left to right: (yellow) is DEGs exclusive to BRS = 401; (yellow + purple) is DEGs exclusive to BRS found in more than one time point = 24, (yellow + purple + green) is DEGs found in BRS and TMG, that could also have been expressed in more than one time point in each = 120; (green + purple) is DEGs exclusive to TMG found in more than one time point = 13; and (green) is DEGs exclusive to TMG = 342. (b). Boxplot with numbers of common expressed genes, up and down-regulated DEGs in BRS and TMG in response to RLN at 1, 2, 4, and 8 dpi (c). Hierarchical clustering of DEGs at each genotype/time-point (d).