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. 2022 Nov 4;19(21):14491. doi: 10.3390/ijerph192114491

Table 1.

Descriptive statistics of surveyed respondents.

Variable Value
Gender, n(%)
    Man 456 (36.5)
    Woman 788 (63.0)
    Missing 7 (0.6)
Age, M(SD) 35.59 (11.91)
Country, n(%)
    Poland 417 (33.3)
    Vietnam 47 (3.8)
    Slovakia 24 (1.9)
    Serbia 182 (14.5)
    Romania 131 (10.5)
    Lithuania 212 (16.9)
    Latvia 196 (15.7)
    India 18 (1.4)
    Great Britain 19 (1.5)
    Norway 4 (0.3)
    Missing 1 (0.1)
Total work experience, M(SD) 13.76 (11.64)
Work experience in current position, M(SD) 8.50 (9.08)
Education, n(%)
    Vocational education 43 (3.4)
    Secondary education 321 (25.7)
    Bachelor’s/engineering degree 393 (31.4)
    Master’s 479 (38.3)
    Missing 15 (1.2)
Currently continuing education, n(%)
    Yes, in full-time studies 239 (19.1)
    Yes, in the evening studies 36 (2.9)
    Yes, in extramural studies 221 (17.7)
    No 751 (60.0)
    Missing 4 (0.3)
Position held, n(%)
    Serial/executive 235 (18.8)
    Specialized 516 (41.2)
    Managerial 159 (12.7)
    Director 119 (9.5)
    Business owner 196 (15.7)
    Missing 26 (2.1)
Form of employment, n(%)
    Employment contract for a trial period 51 (4.1)
    Fixed-term employment contract (including replacement contract) 255 (20.4)
    Employment contract for an indefinite period 663 (53.0)
    Contract of mandate 55 (4.4)
    Contract work 5 (3.2)
    An agency agreement 5 (0.4)
    A contract for the duration of a specific job 22 (1.8)
    Own business 99 (7.9)
    Others 57 (4.6)
    Missing 4 (0.3)
Employment Industry, n(%)
    Public administration 116 (9.3)
    Trade 103 (8.2)
    Services 177 (14.1)
    Finance and banking 53 (4.2)
    Tourism 60 (4.8)
    Education 357 (28.5)
    Medical care 97 (7.8)
    Uniformed services 59 (4.7)
    Others 222 (17.7)
    Missing 7 (0.6)
Stationary, remote or mixed mode of work, n(%)
    Completely remotely 189 (15.1)
    In a mixed system 482 (38.5)
    Completely stationary 574 (45.9)
    Missing 6 (0.5)
Percentage remotely, n(%)
    Up to 30% 154 (12.3)
    From 30% to 60% 221 (17.7)
    Over 60% 195 (15.6)
    Not applicable—I work stationary 556 (44.4)
    Missing 125 (10.0)
Since when remotely, n(%)
    Up to 3 months 78 (6.2)
    From 3 to 6 months 224 (17.9)
    Over 6 months 337 (26.9)
    Not applicable—I work stationary 545 (43.6)
    Missing 67 (5.4)
Space in the house for remote work, n(%)
    Yes 569 (45.5)
    No 156 (12.5)
    Not applicable—I work stationary 517 (41.3)
    Missing 9 (0.7)
Computer equipment for remote work, n(%)
    Yes 678 (54.2)
    No 74 (5.9)
    Not applicable—I work stationary 494 (39.5)
    Missing 5 (0.4)
Combine teleworking with childcare or similar, n(%)
    Yes 269 (21.5)
    No 453 (36.2)
    Not applicable—I work stationary 522 (41.7)
    Missing 7 (0.6)
Work remotely before COVID, n(%)
    Yes 146 (11.7)
    No 1093 (87.4)
    Missing 12 (0.9)