Figure 2.
S.Tm ATCC 14028 and derivative knockout mutant strains were grown (a) without any supplement (N = 15, n = 5) or (b) with the addition of 4mM of n-acetylcysteine (N = 15, n = 5). Growth of the same strains with 5 µM (c) of ferrous iron (N = 15, n = 5), (d) of ferric iron (N = 12, n = 5) or (e) of ferritin-bound iron as sole iron source (N = 15, n = 5). Growth data were logarithmized and then normalized to the WT without any iron supplement. Graphs are depicted as mean ± SD. For statistical analysis (a–e) one-way ANOVA corrected for multiple comparisons with the Holm-Sidak post hoc test was used (***: p < 0.001, ****: p < 0.0001, numbers indicate a non-significant p-value > 0.05). N: number of biological replicates, n: number of experiments conducted, WT: wildtype, ΔentC: S.Tm enterobactin/salmochelin knockout mutant strain, Δtriple: combined knockout mutant strain of entC, sit and feo.