Table 1.
Types of non-associative and associative learning.
Category | Subcategory | Paradigm | Further Subcategory | Behavioral Response | Example | Reference |
Non-associative learning | ||||||
Habituation | - | Continuous exposure of stimulus | - | Decrease | Reduced zebrafish startle response to repeated sound stimulus | [19] |
Sensitization | - | - | Increase | Repeated nicotine exposure increased locomotor activity and sensitivity of zebrafish | [20] | |
Associative learning | ||||||
Classical (Pavlovian) | Appetitive conditioning | Association of favorable stimulus with cue | - | Increase/Decrease (involuntary response) |
Increased dog salivation upon hearing sound of bell that was previously paired with food | - |
Aversive conditioning | Association of unfavorable stimulus with cue | - | Increase/Decrease (involuntary response) |
Decreased zebrafish distance traveled in tank that was previously paired with electric shock (Increased contextual fear response) | [21] | |
Increased zebrafish freezing time and erratic movement in tank that was previously paired with electric shock (Increased contextual fear response) | [22] | |||||
Operant (Instrumental) | Positive reinforcement | Association of behavioral response with administration of appetitive stimulus | - | Increase | Increased zebrafish approach to a response key that was equipped with a sensor to dispense brine shrimp eggs | [23] |
Negative reinforcement | Association of behavioral response with removal of aversive stimulus | Escape learning (Engage a behavior to remove the existing aversive stimulus) |
Increase | Increased rodent crossing response from a compartment with existing foot shock to the opposite compartment in a shuttle box | - | |
Active avoidance (Engage a behavior to prevent the occurrence of aversive stimulus) |
Increased zebrafish crossing response to a compartment without electric shock upon the presentation of light signal that was previously paired with administration of the shock | [24] | ||||
Passive (inhibitory) avoidance (Suppress an innate behavior to prevent the occurrence of aversive stimulus) |
Increased zebrafish latency to enter dark (preferred) compartment that was previously paired with electric shock | [25] | ||||
Positive punishment | Association of behavioral response with administration of aversive stimulus | - | Decrease | Refrained from pressing a lever that will lead to foot shock for a rodent | - | |
Negative punishment | Association of behavioral response with removal of appetitive stimulus | - | Decrease | Decreased the undesired behavior by taking away the reward in a dog training | - |