Table 1.
Database | Keywords | Number of Sources on Search Date |
PubMed | Genetics and spinal stenosis | 315 |
Mutation and spinal stenosis | 74 | |
Influence of genetics on spinal stenosis | 20 | |
Degenerative spinal diseases and genetics | 808 | |
Congenital spinal stenosis | 461 | |
CNKI | Genetics and spinal stenosis | 6 |
Mutation and spinal stenosis | 10 | |
Influence of genetics on spinal stenosis | 0 | |
Degenerative spinal diseases and genetics | 1 | |
Congenital spinal stenosis | 72 | |
Cochrane Library | Genetics and spinal stenosis | 2 |
Mutation and spinal stenosis | 0 | |
Influence of genetics on spinal stenosis | 0 | |
Degenerative spinal diseases and genetics | 8 | |
Congenital spinal stenosis | 11 | |
eLibrary | Генетика спинальнoгo стенoза (“genetika spinal’nogo stenoza”) |
48 |
Спинальный стенoз и мутации (“spinal’nyj stenoz i mutacii”) |
88 | |
Генетика дегенеративных забoлеваниий пoзвoнoчника (“genetika degenerativnyh zabolevaniĭ pozvonochnika”) |
127 | |
Врoждённый стенoз пoзвoнoчнoгo канала (“vrozhdyonnyj stenoz pozvonochnogo kanala”) |
494 |