Key factors considered for reviewing foods relevant for inclusion in the rationalised NDB. 1 Dietary intake data from the first 10 years of NDNS RP (2008–2018) were examined to identify reported consumption rates. Foods reported fewer than 10 times (average consumption frequency per year) were considered infrequent and mostly excluded from the extensive NDB. 2 Detail/specification required for government monitoring objectives for public health and nutritional surveillance, and exposure assessment. 3 Relevance to specific UK public health priorities, monitoring and evaluation requirements (e.g., UK sugar reduction policy [14] and exposure assessment). 4 Coverage and representation of foods and drinks currently available and consumed in UK, based on the foods available in the extensive NDB and using NDNS Y1-10 consumption rates: retaining foods that could not be adequately represented (either according to their food name or nutrient profile) by other foods existing in the NDB or representing similar foods with a similar nutrient composition profile by another food code. 5 Availability of products in the UK market: removing foods that no longer exist in UK food market. 6 Popularity of food brands: retaining very popular brand-specific foods (e.g., Toblerone chocolate bar) to effectively monitor the composition of these foods and capture the change in their reformulations. 7 Foods that are common ingredients for homemade recipes in the UK diet (e.g., stock cubes).