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. 2022 Oct 31;10:957630. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.957630

Table 1.

Frequencies and percentages of every response in each item in knowledge and attitude section.

Item* True (n, %) False (n, %)
Knowledge section
COVID-19 is a disease caused by coronavirus 391 (95.37%) 19 (4.63%)
COVID-19 is a disease that is not dangerous and is similar with influenza 38 (9.27%) 372 (90.73%)
Main symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, fatigue, cough, and myalgia 357 (87.07%) 53 (12.93%)
People with COVID-19 that show no signs are called asymptomatic patients 371 (90.49%) 39 (9.51%)
COVID-19 symptoms are usually worse in elderly compared to younger people 364 (88.78%) 46 (11.21%)
COVID-19 patients with chronic diseases, such as diabetes (high blood glucose), cardiovascular disease, and obesity usually experience more severe condition 375 (91.46%) 35 (8.53%)
Children and teenagers do not need to take any precautions in preventing the spread of COVID-19, since they have a stronger immune system 79 (19.27%) 331 (80.73%)
People who have a strong immune system cannot be infected with COVID-19 234 (57.07%) 176 (42.93%)
People infected with COVID-19 but show no symptoms cannot spread the virus to other people 81 (19.76%) 329 (80.24%)
Coronavirus can spread through respiratory droplets from an infected person 385 (93.90%) 25 (6.10%)
COVID-19 infection could be transmitted through food and contact with wild animals 143 (34.88%) 267 (65.12%)
Corpses of COVID-19 patients that have not been buried can be a source for the spread of the virus 354 (86.34%) 56 (13.66%)
Corpses of COVID-19 patients that have been buried can be a source for the virus transmission 86 (20.98%) 324 (79.02%)
Masks that are made from fabric cannot be penetrated by the coronavirus 181 (44.15%) 229 (55.85%)
COVID-19 only transmits through objects and not through air 150 (36.59%) 260 (63.41%)
There is no proven effective drug for COVID-19 to date, but early symptomatic and supportive treatment can help most COVID-19 patients to recover 365 (89.02%) 45 (10.98%)
To prevent the transmission of COVID-19 infection, people must avoid traveling to crowded places and avoid using public transportation 384 (93.66%) 26 (6.34%)
The transmission of COVID-19 can be prevented by not touching the face 326 (79.51%) 84 (20.49%)
Healthy people do not need to wear masks when leaving the house 41 (10.00%) 369 (90.00%)
Coronavirus can survive several hours outside the human body 335 (81.71%) 75 (18.29%)
Self-isolation is not necessary for asymptomatic COVID-19 patients 129 (31.46%) 281 (68.54%)
Self-isolation and prompt treatment for people infected with COVID-19 are the most effective way to reduce the spread of the virus 398 (97.07%) 12 (2.93%)
Item * Disagree (n, %) Agree (n, %)
Attitude section
Keeping track of the daily COVID-19 cases is important for the society 25 (6.10%) 385 (93.90%)
After knowing the number of COVID-19 cases, I feel worried/scared 154 (37.56%) 256 (62.44%)
Keeping track of governmental regulations to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is important for the society 25 (6.10%) 385 (93.90%)
All COVID-19 infected patients are people who disobey the public health regulations that are enforced to prevent the spread of the virus 182 (44.39%) 228 (55.61%)
People infected with COVID-19 should not be given a negative stigma by the society 43 (10.49%) 367 (89.51%)
COVID-19 patients who self-isolate themselves show a good responsibility to prevent the COVID-19 transmission 32 (7.80%) 378 (92.20%)

Translated to English language.