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. 2021 Jul 9;24(1):278–294. doi: 10.1177/15248380211029403

Table 3.

Effects of Childhood Maltreatment on Emotional Processing in Adults.

Author (Year) Emotions Affected Type of Reaction Population/Maltreatment Type Compared to Other Emotions
Brüne et al. (2013) Anger Avoidance Physical and emotional neglect and abuse No avoidance to happy faces
Dannlowski et al. (2012) Threat (fear/anger) Increased right amygdala responsiveness
Davis et al. (2014) Happiness Avoidance of positive facial stimuli History of abuse combined with attachment anxiety only No attention bias to threat
Dayton et al. (2016) Anger
Heightened perceptions of negative infant emotions (fear, anger, and distress)
Negative attribution bias (ambiguous infant expressions = negative)
Histories of interpersonal aggression and conflict
Demers et al. (2018) Anger
Increased hippocampus–amygdala connectivity
English et al. (2018) Fear Quicker identification of fear under the high cognitive load condition No significant predictive effects for anger
Fang et al. (2019) Anger
Larger N170 amplitude in the maltreated group
No differences in P100 amplitude
No difference in N170 amplitude for disgust
Fani et al. (2011) Happiness Attentional bias Sexual, physical, or emotional abuse
With and without
childhood maltreatment and/or current PTSD/depressive symptoms
Relative to neutral faces
Gibb et al. (2009) Angry Attention and interpretation biases (increased sensitivity in the detection of angry expressions at lower levels of emotional intensity) History of moderate to severe childhood abuse No biases for happy or sad faces
Gong et al. (2019) Anger
Longer latency of P100 (indicating a dysfunction of the visual pathway) Young adults with high levels of negative schizotypy and childhood maltreatment
Hartling et al. (2019) All trials (four basic + 20 complex emotions) Lower ability to infer emotions Individuals carrying a moderate to high Genetic Profile Score who have experienced Early life stress
Jedd et al. (2015) Anger
Greater activation in prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia
Increased amygdala connectivity with the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex
Significantly less accurate during the emotion-matching task
Compared to the nonmaltreated group
Johnson et al. (2010) Anger Attentional avoidance Individuals with a history of moderate to severe childhood physical abuse who also carried at least one copy of the 5-HTTLPR short allele. Not happy or sad faces
Kim et al. (2014) Own infant’s sadness Blunted amygdala responses Mothers who were classified as having unresolved trauma in the Adult Attachment Interview Compared to happiness
No differences in regard to unknown faces
Kirkham & Levita (2019) Anger Reduced avoidance (self-reported) Only among participants with no evidence of mental illness and higher ELS scores
Neukel et al. (2019) Own-child happiness Elevated activations in face perception and emotion processing networks (e.g., cuneus, MTG, STG, parahippocampal gyri). Compared to nonmaltreated mothers Compared to neutral
No differences for sad vs. neutral across groups
Olsavsky et al. (2019) Anger
Negative-valenced stimuli
Blunted bilateral amygdala reactivity to infant faces (higher amygdala activation to infant faces was associated with greater sensitivity during mother–infant interaction)
Superior temporal gyrus activation
Compared to nonexposed mothers
Regardless of CME
Regardless of emotion
Peters et al. (2018) Fear
Fear and Anger
Enhanced corticolimbic reactivity
Greater activation in visual processing and somatosensory areas
Internalizing psychopathology + Early life adversity Versus shapes
Versus shapes
No significant findings for sad versus shapes or happy versus shapes
Redlich et al. (2015) Anger
Increased amygdala reactivity Higher neural response in C allele carriers compared to T homozygotes.
Emotional abuse and emotional neglect showed the strongest association with amygdala responsiveness
Russo et al. (2015) Anger Poorer performance in facial emotion recognition Bipolar disorder patients with a positive childhood history of emotional neglect No significant differences for disgust, fear, sadness, surprise, or happiness
Schwaiger et al. (2019) Anger
Increase in emotion recognition accuracy Non-significant for sad and happy faces
Suzuki et al. (2015) Fear More errors (misattributions) Healthy individuals (no depression) with a history of childhood maltreatment Compared to anger
van Harmelen et al. (2013) Anger
Enhanced bilateral amygdala reactivity Independent of psychiatric status Smaller effect sizes for neutral faces
Veague & Hooley (2014) Happiness Difficulties detecting (when stimulus exposure times were short [500 ms]) Abuse history was not associated with recognition of anger or fear and unrelated to anger bias

Note. ELS = Early Life Stress, MTG = Middle Temporal Gyrus, STG = Superior Temporal Gyrus, CME = Child Maltreatment Exposure.