Round 1 |
Recognize diverse and divergent community voices
Shared language is important
Data and measurement can cause harm
Accountability is critical and relevant across principles
Be explicit about what is meant by “those who have experienced inequities”
More clearly define “harm”
Reframe as asset based
Need principles on community investment and data ownership
Tease apart concepts (overlap) and adjust language around “systems” and “communities”
Combined the draft principle on centering the needs, values, and priorities of community members with the principle on co‐creation
Combined draft principle on not harming communities with the draft principle on addressing root causes
Added two new principles on data ownership and investment in community
Round 2 |
Need to name shared power and shared decision making as important
Language should encourage collaboration and a dynamic process
Importance of a shared learning environment
Need to frame principles with intention and clarity
Level setting around key concepts is important
Concerns and questions about implementation
Several concepts need further definition (e.g., community, authentic engagement, whole person)
Address redundancy across principles
Include a preamble to accompany the principles
Include a list of key terms and definitions
No new principles recommended
Drafted a preamble to contextualize the principles that included a list of key terms and definitions
Consolidated to five principles
Added questions about implementation to Survey 3
Round 3 |
Support for preamble and definitions
Need to apply a process lens to this work; it is iterative
Key steps to building buy‐in
Communication is important
Power must be shared
Implementation requires time and resources
Equity must be integrated into systems and power structures
Some suggestions for reorganizing parts of preamble and revising definitions; moving definitions to an appendix
Suggested revisions to language or order across the five draft principles (e.g., community investment first)
Revised language in preamble/introduction to address concerns regarding tone
Added sections and headers to break up language in the introduction
Included project's shared measurement framework as an appendix; integrated new key terms and definitions into framework glossary
Reordered principles to present the upfront investment in communities principle first
Integrated example practices that reflect principles from use cases
For co‐creation principle, moved shared power up to the first concept and integrated “equitable, sustained partnership” into this section
For accountability principle, created two categories: one on accountability for addressing root causes of inequities and one addressing the need to repair harm when it occurs
For trust principle, added language addressing sustainability focus and the need to engineer trust into systems and not just focus on the interpersonal aspect of trust
Added appendices with a list of stakeholder experts and a brief overview of methods