Table 7.
Liver reactome pathways1 enriched in 14 d and 42-day-old Ross 308 broilers fed corn-based diets + 0.175% algae ingredient compared to a corn-based control.
Reactome pathway | Protein2 | Background3 | FDR4 |
d 14 | |||
Immune system | 152 | 1927 | 4.53E-48 |
Signaling by receptor tyrosine kinases | 78 | 437 | 4.69E-44 |
Signal transduction | 168 | 2605 | 1.91E-43 |
Cytokine sgnaling in immune system | 84 | 654 | 3.60E-38 |
Innate immune system | 101 | 1012 | 5.56E-38 |
Signaling by interleukins | 71 | 439 | 1.02E-37 |
Disease | 94 | 1018 | 1.22E-32 |
Diseases of signal transduction | 60 | 360 | 3.12E-32 |
Toll-like receptor cascades | 40 | 151 | 1.34E-27 |
Intracellular signaling by second messengers | 46 | 274 | 1.67E-24 |
Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) cascade | 34 | 126 | 1.25E-23 |
Signaling by VEGF | 32 | 104 | 1.25E-23 |
VEGFA-VEGFR2 Pathway | 31 | 95 | 1.42E-23 |
Signaling by NTRKs | 31 | 97 | 2.23E-23 |
Signaling by NTRK1 (TRKA) | 28 | 76 | 1.86E-22 |
Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) cascade | 30 | 96 | 2.03E-22 |
PIP3 activates AKT signaling | 41 | 242 | 4.64E-22 |
TRAF6 mediated induction of NFκB and MAP kinases upon TLR7/8 or 9 activation | 29 | 91 | 6.76E-22 |
MyD88:MAL(TIRAP) cascade initiated on plasma membrane | 29 | 94 | 1.24E-21 |
PI3K/AKT signaling in cancer | 28 | 85 | 1.50E-21 |
d 42 | |||
Signaling by receptor tyrosine kinases | 63 | 437 | 6.25E-41 |
Signal transduction | 124 | 2,605 | 9.10E-38 |
Immune system | 102 | 1,925 | 3.39E-33 |
Diseases of signal transduction | 48 | 360 | 1.77E-29 |
Signaling by interleukins | 50 | 439 | 5.51E-28 |
Disease | 69 | 1,018 | 7.42E-27 |
Intracellular signaling by second messengers | 41 | 274 | 7.62E-27 |
Cytokine signaling in immune system | 56 | 654 | 5.24E-26 |
Innate immune system | 67 | 1,012 | 1.39E-25 |
VEGFA-VEGFR2 pathway | 28 | 95 | 5.17E-25 |
PIP3 activates AKT signaling | 36 | 242 | 1.62E-23 |
PI3K/AKT signaling in cancer | 25 | 85 | 2.58E-22 |
Signaling by NTRKs | 25 | 97 | 3.81E-21 |
Signaling by NTRK1 (TRKA) | 23 | 76 | 9.28E-21 |
Negative regulation of the PI3K/AKT Network | 24 | 92 | 1.98E-20 |
Toll-like receptor cascades | 27 | 151 | 2.36E-19 |
MAPK family signaling cascades | 33 | 273 | 4.31E-19 |
Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) cascade | 25 | 126 | 7.14E-19 |
TRAF6 mediated induction of NFκB and MAP kinases Upon TLR7/8 or 9 activation | 22 | 91 | 3.76E-18 |
Axon guidance | 42 | 541 | 5.95E-18 |
Abbreviations: AKT, protein kinase B; MAPK, mitogen-activated protein kinase; MyD88, myeloid differentiation primary response 88; MAL, MyD88 adaptor-like protein; NF, nuclear factor; PI3K, Phosphatidylinositol-3-kinsae; PIP, plasma membrane-intrinsic protein; NTRK, neurotrophic tyrosine receptor kinase; TIR, Toll/Interleukin 1 receptor homology; TIRAP, TIR-containing adaptor protein; TRIF, TIR-domain-containing adapter-inducing interferon-β; TICAM, TIR domain-containing adaptor molecule; TRAF, tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factors; TLR, Toll-like receptor; TRK, tyrosine receptor kinase; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor.
Significant differentially phosphorylated proteins from the small intestine at d 14 and d 42 (n = 10 birds/ diet) were input into the STRING database to generate a list of the 20 most enriched Reactome Pathways. Bolded pathways are those unique between d 14 and d 42.
Proteins refers to the number of proteins within the pathway differentially phosphorylated on the array.
Background is the number of proteins within the pathway.
FDR is false discovery rate significance value of the pathway (significance ≤ 0.05).