Fig. 4.
Distribution and diversity of human gastric mucin O-glycans from noninfected and Helicobacter spp.-infected stomachs.A, Venn diagram of glycans on mucins from noninfected (Non-inf, n = 14) and infected (Inf, n = 14) stomachs. B, the relative abundances (RAs) of the glycans unique to each group are shown in the table. Stars indicate statistically significant higher abundance using the Mann–Whitney U tests. C, interindividual correlation in surface mucin O-glycan repertoire. Spearman′s rank correlation coefficients (ρ) of the RA of the gastric surface glycan structures (using the mean of the 3–4 mucin sources per patient) were compared between noninfected and infected groups using the Mann–Whitney U test. D, the average number of monosaccharides in the glycan structures and its standard deviation (3–4 mucin sources per patient). E, the bars represent the median, and significance was calculated using two-way ANOVA, ∗, ∗∗, and ∗∗∗ indicate p ≤ 0.05, <0.01, and <0.001, respectively.