Figure 5. Application of MicroID in vivo: identification and validation of nucle(ol)ar localized microproteins and alt-proteins in various tissues.
(A) Identification and LFQ intensities of >100 microproteins and alt-proteins in indicated tissues using MicroID in nucleus (blue) and nucleolus (red). LFQ intensities of canonical, annotated proteins <300 amino acids detected in the same experiments (gray) are also plotted for reference. (B) Unannotated microprotein Gm15781 was epitope tagged in an expression vector, transfected into murine liver Hepa1–6 cells, and immunofluorescence performed with anti-FLAG (magenta) and DAPI (cyan). Scale bar, 10 μm. Data are representative of three biological replicates. (C) Volcano plot of co-IP quantitative proteomics (N = 3) from Gm15781-FLAG transfected Hepa1–6 cells (PD) or control Hepa1–6 nuclear lysates. Baits and proteins are indicated and gene names are labeled. (D) GO (biological processes) analysis of genes enriched (fold change ≥ 30) in Gm15781 pull-down over control.