Fig. 3. Circ_0006156 suppresses the migration and invasion of PCa cells.
A–C qRT–PCR and western blot analyses of the specific inhibition efficiency of circ_0006156 in PCa cells. D Fluorescence showed the efficiency of lentivirus infection in DU145 cells. E, F qRT–PCR and western blot analyses of the specific inhibition efficiency of circ_0006156 in DU145 cells. G Fluorescence showed the efficiency of lentivirus infection in PC3 cells. H, I qRT–PCR and western blot analyses of the specific overexpression efficiency of circ_0006156 in PC3 cells. J, K Transwell assays showed that circ_0006156 suppressed the migration and invasion of PCa cells. L, M Wound-healing assays showed that circ_0006156 weakened the migration of PCa cells.