Fig. 4. Comparison of hot-carrier effects.
a Pseudocolour representation and b Normalized TA spectra at different delay times of 3D bulk perovskite film. The pump laser pulse is 480 nm (2.6 eV) with excitation fluence around 0.13 mJ cm−2. c Normalized TA spectra of quasi-2D perovskite film at 200 fs delay under different excitation intensities. The pump laser wavelength is 400 nm (3.1 eV). Herein, the energy of the photon used to excite 3D and quasi-2D perovskites is 2.6 eV and 3.1 eV, respectively, to ensure an equal excess energy (0.9 eV) of initially injected carriers. d Time-dependent hot carrier temperatures of 3D and quasi-2D perovskites, respectively. The pump fluence is maintained at 0.13 mJ cm−2. e Initial hot-carrier temperature of quasi-2D perovskite film as a function of pump power (pump photon energy of 2.6 eV) and excess energy (inset, the pump fluence is kept at 0.4 mJ cm−2). Error bars in d, e represent the uncertainties in the fitting of carrier temperature. f TA kinetics under different excitation fluence pumped with 540 nm femtosecond laser pulse. Green region highlights the non-thermalization carrier kinetics within the first 300 fs. Red arrow outlines the subsequent hot-carrier cooling process after thermalization. The non-thermalized carriers and hot carriers induced absorbance difference is labeled by ΔANTC and ΔAHC. Inset: power-dependent ΔA (hollow dots) at 150 fs delay fitted with Eq. 2 (red solid line).