ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 immunization generates a mix of RBD-specific GC and memory B cells in the draining medial iliac lymph node
(A) Median flow cytometry plots for IgD− RBD+ B cell staining, pre-gated on live, single, CD19+ B220+ cells.
(B) Total number and relative frequency of IgD− RBD+ B cells.
(C) tSNE analysis of IgD− RBD+ B cells separated by time point. FlowSOM analysis was used to identify 6 clusters of cells.
(D) Heatmap showing mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of each marker used in (C) for clustering analysis.
(E) Flow cytometry gating of 5 IgD− RBD+ subpopulations based on a concatenated sample of all IgD− RBD+ B cells shown in (C).
(F) Pie charts showing relative frequency of subpopulations identified in (E) for each of the 4 time points.
(G and H) Line graphs showing relative frequency (G) and quantification (H) of subpopulations identified in (E).
Error bars show mean and standard deviation. For each time point and condition, n = 5 or 6 per group. For (B), multiple Mann-Whitney tests per row were used, with p values corrected for multiple comparison analysis with the Holm-Šídák method. Data are representative of two individual experiments.