AJOB Neuroscience |
9 |
Cognitive, Affective and Behavioural Neuroscience |
0 |
European Journal of Marketing |
11 |
European Journal of Neuroscience |
0 |
Harvard Review of Psychiatry |
1 |
International Journal of Consumer Studies |
2 |
International Journal of Neuroscience |
0 |
International Journal of Research in Marketing |
3 |
International Journal of Technology Marketing |
2 |
International Journal of Psychology |
1 |
International Marketing Review |
0 |
Journal of Computational Neuroscience |
0 |
Journal of Consumer Affairs |
1 |
Journal of Consumer Behaviour |
14 |
Journal of Consumer Marketing |
14 |
Journal of Consumer Psychology |
5 |
Journal of Consumer Research |
2 |
Journal of International Marketing |
0 |
Journal of Marketing |
0 |
Journal of Marketing Management |
4 |
Journal of Marketing Research |
5 |
Psychology and Marketing |
6 |
Total |
80 |