HFD rats exhibit higher astrocytic branching in projections, higher percent area of microglia and lower expression of Phospho-mTOR in the brain. (A) HFD group show increased hippocampal astrocytic projection length in the secondary and the tertiary projections respectively. However, HFD show a higher number of projections from the primary to the tertiary projections compared with the LFD n = 5/group. (B) Hippocampal IBA-1 staining, show higher increase in percent area and intensity in the HFD group (n = 7) compared with the LFD group (n = 6). On the contrary, association of the immobile parameter and IBA-1 percent of area and LPS concentration vs IBA-1 show a trend but did not reach significance. (C) The area and intensity of phospho-mTOR levels were decreased in the HFD (n = 5) group compared with the LFD group (n = 6). In addition, the area of the cingulum in the dorsal hippocampus showed a significant decrease in HFD group compared with the control. Data are represented as mean ± standard error of the mean. ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01, and ∗∗∗p < 0.001.