Figure 7.
CR6 differs from the other strains at low pH. (A, B) The rigid body fitting results of the structure of MNV1 into the unsharpened cryo-EM maps of CR6 at pH 5 in the absence (A) and presence (B) of 10mM GCDCA. Unlike the other strains, the angles between the P domains changes at low pH in the presence and absence of GCDCA. (C) To measure these angles, the center of masses of the P1 and P2 domains for both subunits were calculated (red spheres). These positions were then used to calculate the vectors between the subunits as summarized in panel d. (D) The vectors and angles between the P domains in the CR6 structure in the presence (red) and absence (green) of 10mM GCDCA are shown.