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. 2022 Nov 14;12(11):e064270. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-064270

Table 1.

Age-standardised blood pressure and heart rate measurements and prevalence of blood pressure treatment, raised blood pressure, hypertension and state of hypertension control by sex and period. Men and women residing in Italy aged 35–74 years, the CUORE Project Surveys 1998–2002, 2008–2012 and 2018–2019

1998–2002 2008–2012 2018–2019 2018–2019 vs 1998–2002 2018–2019 vs 2008–2012
n=2985 n=2218 n=1031
Mean SD 95% CI Mean SD 95% CI Mean SD 95% CI Diff T-test sign* Regression sign† Diff T-test sign* Regression sign†
SBP (mm Hg) 136 18 135 136 132 16 131 132 132 14 131 132 −4 *** *** −0.3 ns ns
DBP (mm Hg) 86 11 86 87 84 10 83 84 78 10 77 78 −9 *** *** −6 *** ***
SBP not under drug treatment (mm Hg) 134 17 133 134 130 15 129 131 131 14 130 132 −3 *** ** 1 ns ns
DBP not under drug treatment (mm Hg) 85 10 85 86 83 10 83 84 77 10 76 78 −9 *** *** −6 *** ***
Heart rate (beats per minute) 66 11 66 66 68 10 68 69 72 12 71 72 6 *** *** 3 *** ***
% 95%CI % 95%CI % 95%CI Diff χ2 sign Logistic sign Diff χ2 sign Logistic sign
Blood pressure drug treatment 19 17 20 24 22 26 25 23 28 7 *** *** 1 ns ns
Raised blood pressure 50 48 52 40 38 42 30 27 32 −20 *** *** −10 *** ***
Hypertension 54 52 55 49 47 52 44 41 47 −9 *** *** −5 ** **
Undiagnosed 53 51 56 40 37 42 36 32 41 −17 *** *** −3 ns ns
Diagnosed but untreated 15 14 17 19 16 21 14 11 18 −1 ns ns −4 * ns
Uncontrolled 25 23 27 25 22 27 22 19 26 −2 ns ** −2 ns *
Controlled 6 5 8 17 15 19 27 23 31 20 *** *** 10 *** ***
1998–2002 2008–2012 2018–2019 2018–2019 vs 1998–2002 2018–2019 vs 2008–2012
n=2955 n=2204 n=1066
Mean SD 95%CI Mean SD 95%CI Mean SD 95%CI Diff T-test sign* Regression sign† Diff T-test sign Regression sign
SBP (mm Hg) 132 18 131 132 126 16 125 127 122 16 121 123 −10 *** *** −4 *** ***
DBP (mm Hg) 82 10 82 82 78 9 78 79 73 11 72 74 −9 *** *** −6 *** ***
SBP not under drug treatment (mm Hg) 129 16 128 129 124 15 123 124 120 15 119 121 −9 *** *** −4 *** ***
DBP not under drug treatment (mm Hg) 81 10 80 81 78 9 77 78 72 10 71 73 −9 *** *** −6 *** ***
Heart rate (beats per minute) 70 11 69 70 71 9 71 71 73 10 72 73 3 *** *** 2 *** ***
% 95%CI % 95%CI % 95%CI Diff χ2 sign Logistic sign Diff χ2 sign Logistic sign
Blood pressure drug treatment 22 20 23 22 20 24 23 20 25 1 ns ** 1 ns ns
Raised blood pressure 39 38 41 25 24 27 16 14 19 −23 *** *** −9 *** ***
Hypertension 45 43 46 35 33 37 32 29 34 −13 *** *** −4 * ns
Undiagnosed 44 42 47 32 28 35 28 23 32 −17 *** *** −4 ns **
Diagnosed but untreated 16 14 18 16 13 18 15 12 19 −0.4 ns ** −0.4 ns ns
Uncontrolled 30 27 32 26 23 29 16 13 20 −13 *** *** −10 ** **
Controlled 10 9 12 27 24 30 41 36 46 31 *** *** 14 *** ***

Diff: mean or percentage difference between 2018–2019 and 1998–2002 or 2018–2019 and 2008–2012; the values are approximated taking into account the first decimal of means or prevalence.

Means, SDs and prevalence were age-standardised by Italian National Institute of Statistics - ISTAT Italian population 2000, 2010, and 2019, respectively.

*T-test to compare mean values between periods; χ2 test to compare prevalence between periods.

†Linear regression and logistic models were assessed considering indicators as dependent variable and period (2018–2019/1998–2002 or 2018–2019/2008–2012), age (35–54/55–74 years) and educational level (high/low) as independent variables; the statistical significance of the period was reported.

*p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.0001; ns, not significant p value.

Raised blood pressure: SBP ≥140 mm Hg or DBP ≥90 mm Hg. Hypertension: SBP ≥140 mm Hg or DBP ≥90 mm Hg and/or under specific pharmacological treatment. Hypertension is divided into ‘undiagnosed, ‘diagnosed but untreated’, ‘uncontrolled’ (treated and SBP ≥140 mm Hg or DBP ≥90 mm Hg) and ‘controlled’ (treated and SBP <140 mmHg and DBP <90 mmHg).

Pool of the following Italian regions: Piedmont, Lombardy, Liguria, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Lazio, Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria and Sicily.

DBP, diastolic blood pressure; SBP, systolic blood pressure.