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. 2022 Nov 10;86:104321. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2022.104321

Table 2.

6-month B-cell counts versus long-term disease activity.

RR (95% CI) Number of participants Total patient-years of observation p
Annualised attack rate
 Log10 memory B cells 2.06 (1.11−3.81) 170 527 0.022
 Log10 6-month CD20+ B cells 1.61 (1.04−2.49) 197 582 0.031
Rate of new/enlarging T2 MRI lesions
 Log10 memory B cells 1.93 (1.44−2.59) 145 392 <0.0001
 Log10 6-month CD20+ B cells 1.62 (1.32−1.99) 166 432 <0.0001
EDSS worsening rate
 Log10 memory B cells 1.56 (0.99−2.47) 169 508 0.058
 Log10 6-month CD20+ B cells 1.24 (0.89−1.74) 196 562 0.210
NMOSD-related inpatient hospitalisation rate
 Log10 memory B cells 1.87 (1.01–3.45) 170 533 0.047
 Log10 6-month CD20+ B cells 1.56 (0.99−2.45) 197 589 0.056

CI = confidence interval, EDSS = Expanded Disability Status Scale, MRI = magnetic resonance imaging, NMOSD = neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder, OLP = open-label period, RCP = randomised controlled period, RR = rate ratio, W26 = week 26 after treatment initiation, W28 = week 28 after treatment initiation.

Negative binomial regression analysis of B-cell counts at 6 months after treatment (W28 RCP for participants treated with inebilizumab who completed the RCP, W26 OLP for participants randomised to placebo and participants treated with inebilizumab who transitioned into the OLP early) versus the annualised attack rate, rate of new/enlarging T2 MRI lesions, EDSS worsening rate (participants/year), and rate of NMOSD-related inpatient hospitalisations that occurred after the first dosing period of inebilizumab treatment.