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. 2022 Nov 3;9(6):ENEURO.0212-22.2022. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0212-22.2022

Table 3.

Source variables used for prediction analyses

Variables Range Description
behavioral response frequencies oi1,...,oi5[0,1]
proportion of old items replied to with 1, …, 5 and proportion of new items replied to with 1, …, 5
fMRI summary statistics yi1,...,yi4 two scores (FADE-classic, FADE-SAME) computed from two fMRI contrasts (novelty processing, subsequent memory)
fMRI contrast images Yiv voxel-wise fMRI contrasts computed in SPM, representing activations related to novelty processing (novel images – master images) or subsequent memory (PM with memory response)
resting-state fMRI maps Yiv voxel-wise PerAF (mPerAF) computed using the REST toolbox, based on fMRI signals measured during a resting-state session
structural MRI maps Yiv voxel-wise gray matter volumes computed in CAT12, based on each subject’s T1 image

FADE = functional activity deviation during encoding, SAME = similarities of activations during memory encoding, = real numbers, v = number of (in-mask) voxels.