(A) Severing of unmodified and acetylated microtubules. Yellow arrows, severing events. Scale bar, 5 μm.
(B) Normalized severing of unmodified and acetylated microtubules. Reactions at 20 nM katanin, 1 mM ATP; n = 89, 92 microtubules from multiple chambers for unmodified and acetylated, respectively.
(C) Normalized katanin levels bound to unmodified and acetylated microtubules. Binding performed at 4 nM katanin, 1 mM ATP; n = 38, 49 unmodified and acetylated microtubules, respectively, from multiple chambers. All error bars, S. D., p-value > 0.05 (ns) by Mann-Whitney test. LC-MS of microtubules and additional data in Figure S7.