Fig. 2. Screening for impact on parasite and host cell survival.
a Bi-parametric dot plots showing the host cell and parasite survival as a percentage of DMSO-treated controls. Only two MMV compounds decreased host and parasite cell survival effectively, while the other 7 caused increased parasite numbers. This is probably due to the stress caused by drug cytotoxicity of host cells and the impact on parasites in the remaining surviving cells. The DMSO control (Ctrl) and Buparvaquone (Bup) data are shown for comparison. b Violin plots of the number of parasites per host cell. Data are shown for untreated, DMSO-treated, buparvaquone (Bup)-treated and hit compound-treated samples. Only one drug (MMV688754) showed a strong decrease in parasite number comparable to Buparvaquone treatment. The relative surviving host cell numbers are indicated above. The red dot represents the median number of parasites per surviving host cell, the boxplot shows the 1st and 3rd quartiles. The Buparvaquone drug is shown in brown and the two compounds MMV688372 and MMV688754 used in subsequent experiments are colored orange.