Figure 6.
Detection of frangipani mosaic virus (FrMV-Ind-1) and plumeria mosaic virus (PluMV-Plu-Ind-1) by RT-PCR. (A) Optimization of specificity of the primers using the cloned DNA of FrMV-Ind-1 and PluMV-Plu-Ind-1. (B) Duplex PCR using the cloned DNA of FrMV-Ind-1 and PluMV-Plu-Ind-1 with the specific primers BM523F/BM607R and BM348F/BM204R, respectively. M: Marker, Lane 1: FrMV clone tested by FrMV specific primers, Lane 2: FrMV clone tested by PluMV specific primers, Lane 3: PluMV clone tested by PluMV specific primers, Lane 4: PluMV clone tested with FrMV specific primers, Lane 5: Duplex PCR (mixture of both the clone tested with mixture of primers). (C) Confirmation of co-infection of both the virus (FrMV and PluMV) in original frangipani tree (Plumeria rubra f. acutifolia) from where both the viruses were isolated. M: Marker, Lane 1: RT-PCR by FrMV specific primers, Lane 2: RT-PCR by PluMV specific primers, Lane 3: Duplex RT-PCR with the mixture of both the primers. (D) Duplex RT-PCR confirmation of single and mixed infection of PluMV and FrMV in the leaf samples collected from different trees at IARI campus. M: Marker, H: Healthy, +ve: Duplex RT-PCR from RNA extracted from the original frangipani tree, Lane 1–15: leaf samples. Fr: FrMV; Pl: PluMV.