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. 2022 Nov 2;13:1030042. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.1030042

Table 1.

Comparison of local and systemic symptoms of plumeria mosaic virus isolate, PluMV-Plu-Ind-1 and frangipani mosaic virus isolate, FrMV-Ind-1 on different plant species.

Hosts PluMV-Plu-Ind-1 symptoms FrMV-Ind-1 symptoms
Local Systemic Local Systemic
Plumeria rubra f. acutifolia NS Brown mosaic NS Greenish mosaic, chocolate spots and necrotic ring with central spots
Plumeria rubra f. obtusa NS Yellow mosaic with brown necrotic spots NS Greenish mosaic with necrotic spots
Nicotiana benthamiana Whitish ring-spot Whitish wavy lines, mosaic mottling and blistering Chlorotic spots Mosaic, mottling and blistering
N. tabacum cv. Xanthi Whitish ring-spots and mottling NS Necrotic white lesions NS
N. glutinosa Concentric whitish ring NS Large necrotic lesions NS
Gomphrena globosa Red spots NS NS NS
Datura stramonium Chlorotic spots Chlorosis with mottling Large blighted patches NS
Solanum melongena NS NS Chlorotic spots NS
Capsicum annuum NS NS Chlorotic lesions NS

NS: No symptoms.