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. 2022 Nov 2;9:947818. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2022.947818


Baseline features for UK Biobank participants by glucosamine use.

Characteristics Overall Glucosamine non-user Glucosamine user
No. of participants 453,645 (100%) 365,421 (80.6%) 88224 (19.4%)
Age (median [IQR]) 57.00 [50.00, 63.00] 56.00 [49.00, 62.00] 60.00 [54.00, 64.00]
Female (%) 245,726 (54.2) 190,906 (52.2) 54,820 (62.1)
Ethnic background (%)
Others 27,058 (6.0) 22,920 (6.3) 4,138 (4.7)
White 426,587 (94.0) 342,501 (93.7) 84,086 (95.3)
Average total household income (£)
<18,000 104,696 (23.1) 85,619 (23.4) 19,077 (21.6)
18,000–30,999 116,336 (25.6) 91,256 (25.0) 25,080 (28.4)
31,000–51,999 117,769 (26.0) 94,472 (25.9) 23,297 (26.4)
52,000–100,000 90,343 (19.9) 73,781 (20.2) 16,562 (18.8)
>100,000 24,501 (5.4) 20,293 (5.6) 4,208 (4.8)
Obesity (%) 111,030 (24.5) 90,483 (24.8) 20,547 (23.3)
Physical activity (Min/Week)
<150 184,836 (40.7) 153,841 (42.1) 30,995 (35.1)
≥150 268,809 (59.3) 211,580 (57.9) 57,229 (64.9)
Current smoking (%) 48,396 (10.7) 42,595 (11.7) 5,801 (6.6)
Alcohol intake (times/week)
<1 139,549 (30.7) 115,251 (31.5) 24,298 (27.5)
1–2 117,466 (25.9) 95,206 (26.1) 22,260 (25.2)
3–4 105,022 (23.2) 82,919 (22.7) 22,103 (25.1)
>4 91,608 (20.2) 72,045 (19.7) 19,563 (22.2)
Minerals supplementation (%) 60,222 (13.3) 38,283 (10.5) 21,939 (24.9)
Fruit intake (pieces/day)
<2.0 161,936 (35.7) 137,628 (37.7) 24,308 (27.6)
2.0–3.9 218,450 (48.2) 171,995 (47.1) 46,455 (52.7)
≥4.0 73,259 (16.1) 55,798 (15.3) 17,461 (19.8)
Vegetable intake (tablespoons/day)
<2.0 28,455 (6.3) 25,084 (6.9) 3,371 (3.8)
2.0–3.9 129,515 (28.5) 107,350 (29.4) 22,165 (25.1)
≥4.0 295,675 (65.2) 232,987 (63.8) 62,688 (71.1)
Processed meat intake (times/week)
0 42,600 (9.4) 33,712 (9.2) 8,888 (10.1)
0–1 137,779 (30.4) 107,724 (29.5) 30,055 (34.1)
>1 273,266 (60.2) 223,985 (61.3) 49,281 (55.9)
Pork intake (times/week)
0 79,298 (17.5) 64,848 (17.7) 14,450 (16.4)
0–1 257,310 (56.7) 205,402 (56.2) 51,908 (58.8)
>1 117,037 (25.8) 95,171 (26.0) 21,866 (24.8)
Lamb mutton intake (times/week)
0 81,655 (18.0) 66,771 (18.3) 14,884 (16.9)
0–1 256,877 (56.6) 205,673 (56.3) 51,204 (58.0)
>1 115,113 (25.4) 92,977 (25.4) 22,136 (25.1)
Beef intake (times/week)
0 51,003 (11.2) 41,338 (11.3) 9,665 (11.0)
0–1 206,216 (45.5) 164,433 (45.0) 41,783 (47.4)
>1 196,426 (43.3) 159,650 (43.7) 36,776 (41.7)
Poultry intake (times/week)
0 23,599 (5.2) 19,241 (5.3) 4,358 (4.9)
0–1 48,508 (10.7) 39,445 (10.8) 9,063 (10.3)
>1 381,538 (84.1) 306,735 (83.9) 74,803 (84.8)
Aspirin use (%) 61,956 (13.7) 50,414 (13.8) 11,542 (13.1)
NSAIDS use (%) 52,813 (11.6) 43,898 (12.0) 8,915 (10.1)
Chondroitin use (%) 4,491 (1.0) 1,016 (0.3) 3,475 (3.9)
Vitamin use (%) 78,022 (17.2) 52,767 (14.4) 25,255 (28.6)