Fig 1. Stochastic branching process model of tumor evolution.
(a) Stochastic branching process model for tumor expansion. Initiated tumor cells (blue) divide with birth rate b, die with death rate d, and accrue passenger mutations with mutation rate u. Type-1 cells, which carry the driver mutation, divide with birth rate b1, die with death rate d1, and accrue passenger mutations with mutation rate u. (b) The initiated tumor, or type-0, (blue) population growth is initiated from a single cell. A driver mutation occurs in a single type-0 cell at time t1, starting the type-1 population (red). The tumor sample is collected and bulk sequenced at times t1 + t and t1 + t + Δ, where the driver fraction is α1 and α2, respectively. Tumor size (in number of cells) is M1 and M2 at first and second sample collection dates. (c) By the time the tumor is observed, it has a high level of genetic heterogeneity due to the mutations that have accrued in both type-0 (blue) and type-1 populations (red). Each yellow star represents a different passenger mutation.