Fig. 3.
Distribution of rCBF between HC and FEP. A. Areas where FEP shoed hypo-perfusion. B. Areas where FEP showed hyper-perfusion. FEP are further separated into hallucinators (AH+, red) and non-hallucinators (AH−,blue). Pathophysiology was generally similar between FEP AH subgruops. AH+ showed a bimodal distribution in right DLPFC, while AH+ were uniformly increased in left putamen comapered with AH−. Note: Black p values indicate HC vs FEP comparisons and red p values indicate AH+ vs AH− FEP comparisons, and red p valued indicate AH+ vs AH− FEP subgroup comparisions. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)