Extended Data Fig. 3. Model Covariates, ADI-R Correlations, and Previous Studies Across 11 Cortical Regions.
a. For the covariates selected for the gene (left) and transcript (right) linear mixed models, % of expression variance explained across all genes/transcripts. Boxplots show median and interquartile range (25th/75th percentile; bounds of box) +/− 1.5 times the interquartile range (whiskers) for 24,836 and 99,819 distinct genes and isoforms, respectively, measured across 725 brain samples from 112 unique subjects. b. Spearman correlations for available ADI-R scores with the first and second principal components of ASD differentially expressed genes, calculated across all regions (whole cortex), BA9, and BA17. c. For the Voineagu et al. and Parikshak et al. studies4,5, the ASD log2FC of differentially expressed genes identified in these studies, compared to this dataset (Spearman’s correlation rho, R, is plotted along with the linear least squares regression best fit line).