Figure 5.
Confocal fluorescence images of the striatum region from WT vehicle (5A,5D), TG vehicle (5B,5E), and TG GLYN122 (5C,5F) samples labeled with EM48 mHTT antibody and detected with a fluorophore in the 488 nm channel. Grayscale images were pseudocolored with LUT “green” (top row) and “Green Fire Blue” (bottom row) in Fiji to visualize the gradient in signal intensities. For the latter LUT, increasing signal intensities are represented from blue to green to white. Overall, the strongest mHTT signal was visible in TG vehicles, while both WT vehicles and TG GLYN122 displayed decreased signals. Scale bars = 10 µm. WT wildtype, veh vehicle, TG transgenic. LUT Lookup Table.