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. 2022 Nov 3;9:1028007. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2022.1028007


Demographic characteristics before and after propensity-score matching*.

Variable All patients Propensity-matched sample

DCB group
(n = 251)
DES group
(n = 792)
P-value DCB group
(n = 199)
DES group
(n = 398)
Age (years) 61.28 ± 11.14 63.91 ± 7.76 0.001 63.75 ± 8.13 64.48 ± 7.75 0.261
Sex (Male) 188 (74.90%) 586 (73.99%) 0.774 145 (72.86%) 299 (75.13%) 0.551
 Diabetes mellitus 96 (38.25%) 299 (37.75%) 0.888 77 (38.69%) 165 (41.46%) 0.517
 Hypertension 125 (49.80%) 399 (50.38%) 0.873 107 (53.77%) 205 (51.51%) 0.602
 Hyperlipidemia 63 (25.10%) 241 (30.43%) 0.105 54 (27.14%) 119 (29.90%) 0.483
 History of smoking 89 (35.46%) 295 (37.25%) 0.609 72 (36.18%) 138 (34.67%) 0.716
 Renal insufficiency 9 (3.59%) 61 (7.70%) 0.023 7 (3.52%) 24 (6.03%) 0.192
Clinical presentation 0.433 0.478
 Stable angina 91 (36.25%) 309 (39.02%) 75 (37.69%) 162 (40.70%)
 Unstable angina 160 (63.75%) 483 (60.98%) 124 (62.31%) 236 (59.30%)
Previous MI history 15 (5.98%) 56 (7.07%) 0.549 11 (5.53%) 26 (6.53%) 0.631
Previous PCI history 42 (16.73%) 138 (17.42%) 0.801 31 (15.58%) 74 (18.59%) 0.362
Previous CABG history 4 (1.59%) 10 (1.26%) 0.691 3 (1.51%) 7 (1.76%) 0.822
Family history of CAD 52 (20.72%) 188 (23.74%) 0.322 43 (21.61%) 90 (22.61%) 0.781
LVEF 59.59 ± 5.78 58.27 ± 6.15 0.005 59.64 ± 5.21 59.38 ± 5.60 0.941

*Plus–minus values are means ± SD. DCB, drug-coated balloon; DES, drug-eluting stent; MI, myocardial infarction; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; CABG, coronary artery bypass grafting; CAD, coronary artery disease; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; DES, drug-eluting stent.