Budesonide prevents miR-290 to miR-302 molecular switch
(A) Schematic expression of miR-290/mCherry and miR-302/GFP from dual reporter ESCs (DRES) in different pluripotency states.
(B) Representative confocal images (left) of FBS/LIF DRES ± proline (500 μM) ± budesonide (10 μM) colonies at 120 h (300 cells/cm2). Scale bar, 100 μm. FACS-based quantification (%) of mCherry+/eGFP− (red) and mCherry+/eGFP+ (yellow) cells in FBS/LIF DRES + proline (500 μM) ± budesonide (10 μM).
(C) Representative confocal images of mCherry and eGFP expression and bright-field images of DRES-derived gastruloids ± budesonide (10 μM) for 0–48 h (orange brown arrow) and 0–120 h (green arrow) at the indicated time points. Scale bar, 50 μm.
(D) Budesonide prevents miR-290 to miR-302 molecular switch (top) and 3D fluorescent images (bottom) of untreated (right) and budesonide-treated (left) DRES gastruloids.