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. 2022 Nov 3;9:1004218. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2022.1004218


Characteristics of the study (ATD) and control (non-ATD) populations.

Variable Study group (n = 206,514) Control group (n = 206,514) SMD
Sex 0.00
Male 97,814 98,108
Female 108,700 108,406
Age 0.01
< 30 129,133 129,800
30–59 64,500 64,103
≥ 60 12,881 12,611
ES 0.00
Low 135,394 135,354
High 71,120 71,160
Region 0.00
Rural 101,145 101,035
Metro 60,182 60,227
Seoul 45,187 45,252
HTN 0.01
Yes 17,480 17,096
No 189,034 189,418
DM 0.02
Yes 8,863 8,012
No 197,651 198,502
CKD 0.02
Yes 5,949 5,152
No 200,565 201,362
GD/HT 0.02
Yes 1,827 1,442
No 204,687 205,072
RA 0.02
Yes 6,367 5,580
No 200,147 200,934

ATD, adenotonsillar disease; ES, economic status; HTN, hypertension; DM, diabetes mellitus; CKD, chronic kidney disease; GD, Graves’ disease; HT, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; SMD, standardized mean difference.