Figure 1.
Least squares mean changes in TSQM scores for (a) global satisfaction, (b) effectiveness, (c) side effects, and (d) convenience. The TSQM version 1.4 scale is 0-100. Statistical significance was tested only at M24/EOS. One patient was excluded from the MMRM analysis because methylprednisolone was incorrectly recorded in the electronic case report form as a prior DMT. LS mean changes are estimated from mixed effects models with study visit as the time axis with adjustment for baseline scores; an unstructured correlation matrix was used to model within-person correlations.
BL: baseline; M: month; TSQM: Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire for Medication; MMRM: mixed-effect model for repeated measures; DMT: disease-modifying therapy; EOS: end of study; LS: least square.