Fig. 1.
Rates of SUDs across the three registries (VUMC, MGB, Geisinger) by levels of opioid exposure (Unscreened, N (range across registries) = 627,396–1,272,880; No Prescription, N = 251,546–582,542; Minimal Exposure, N = 50,112–70,510; Chronic Exposure, N = 14,373–27,507; OUD, N = 8,673–21,489). Full, Unscreened group; No Presc, No Prescription group; CUD, cannabis use disorders; AUD, alcohol use disorders, SUD, substance use disorder; TUD, tobacco use disorders; OUD, opioid use disorder. Note that OUD as outcome pertains to having two or more OUD ICD codes on separate occasions.