Analysis of vascular pulsation during IICP. (a) Experimental timeline for
in vivo observation of vascular changes before and
after IICP, and schematic diagram for two-photon in vivo imaging. (b)
The cerebrovascular column is visualized by injecting 2000 kD
RITC-dextran intravenously (left image: collapsed 100 mm XYZ stack,
magnification: X20). Cerebrovascular measurements at the same site were
repeated before and after IICP (Representative picture: moderate IICP).
Reduced or even occluded blood flow and significantly reduced arterial
pulsation in superficial arteries and superficial veins can be observed
in this image. Superficial vein (SV), superficial artery (SA),
penetrating artery (PA), and ascending vein (AV) were classified
according to morphology (shown by a solid white box).
A white dotted line shows an almost occluded artery
vessel. (c) Experimental timeline for quantitating vascular pulsation in
the IICP and SHAM groups in vivo. (d) Three-second XT
line scans orthogonal to the vessel axis, capturing the dynamic change
in vessel diameter across time, are acquired at the brain's surface or a
depth of 100 mm below the surface (shown by a solid white
line). (e) vessel diameter was extracted from X–T plots by
Matlab and plotted versus time. Steady-state vessel diameters were
calculated as the mean value over the 3000 ms epoch. Vessel wall
pulsatility (derived units µm × s) was calculated as the absolute value
of area under the diameter integrated about the running average over the
3000 ms epoch and (f) Quantification of vascular pulsation shows a
significant decrease in the IICP groups when compared to sham groups for
all four types of vessels (vs. sham; *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01,
***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001). In (f), the data is presented as
mean ± SD (n = 6 animals per group, with one-way ANOVA followed by
Tukey's post-hoc test).