Reciprocal overlap |
− f
The minimum amount of reciprocal overlap required for the matching of SVs (recommended 0.8 or higher) |
Extra annotations |
− a
Adds annotations corresponding to all extra annotations (best, full, mf, mis, pops) |
all: Adds all available information from the BED file for all matches |
best: adds the "best" match for each including source from the BED file |
mf: adds male and female specific data |
mis: Adds "mismatches" for matches with differing SVTYPEs
pop: Adds populations specific (AFR, AMR, EAS, EUR, OTH, and SAS) data, if available |
Observed SV coverage |
− c
Creates annotation reflecting the amount of a given SV in the input VCF has been observed with the same SVTYPE from SVs in the BED file |
Unique SV regions |
− u |
Creates additional output file containing "unique" regions of a given SV that are not obersved to have any overlaps with SVs in the BED file |
SV size limit |
− l
Maximize size of SVs from the BED file to include alongside − c and − u parameters (recommended 1,000,000)
Targets BED file |
− t
Identify overlaps with particular regions of interest reported in an additional BED file |
Sources to annotate |
− s |
Restrict matching of SVs to only those from specified sources in the BED file |
Use CI boundaries |
− ci |
Adjust the genomic breakpoints in the input VCF by the reported inner or outer confidence intervals (CIP0S, CIEND) |
− ci95 |
Adjust the genomic breakpoints in the input VCF by the reported 95% inner or outer confidence intervals (CIPOS95, CIEN D95) |
Change SV size |
− e |
Increase the size of the genomic breakpoints in the input VCF |
− r |
Reduce the size of the genomic breakpoints in the input VCF |
Output file type |
− 0 |
Specify the output file type as VCF (vcf), compressed VCF (vcfgz), BCF (bcf), or compressed BCF (bcfgz) |
CPU count |
− cpu |
The number of CPUs to use for multi-threading |