Figure 5. S. rosetta microtubule doublets contain unique holes and MIPs.
(A–F). Tomographic slices (A–C) and isosurface renderings (D–F) of the subtomogram average of S. rosetta doublet microtubules shown in cross (A, D) and longitudinal (B, C, E, F) section at the level of RS1. The white and black lines in (A) and (D), respectively indicate the viewing positions of the longitudinal slices in (B, C, and E-H). Note: panels (B and E) portray the distal (D) flagellum to the left, and the proximal (P) flagellum to the right. MIPs (and their corresponding arrowheads) are colored as indicated in the legend below panels (E/F). Because the MIPs repeat with a periodicity of 48 nm or less, only a 48 nm long segment of the 96 nm axonemal unit is shown. (G, H) Classification analyses focused on the region with the newly identified rail-MIP (G) and A-tubule hole (H) indicating their presence only in subsets of the axonemal repeats. Class 1 (top rows) lack the rail-MIP or A-tubule hole (empty arrowheads), whereas class 2 (bottom rows) contain the rail-MIP (navy blue arrowhead) or A-tubule hole (olive arrowhead), respectively. Percentages of repeats out of 7584 averaged particles are indicated for each class. The isosurface renderings highlight the position of the rail-MIP (navy blue) between protofilaments A1 and A13, adjacent to MIP 6ab (jade) (G), and of the A-tubule hole (olive arrowhead) in protofilament A2 (H). The tables show the doublet-specific distribution of the classes. Note: the rail-MIP and A-tubule hole distributions only partially overlap (Figure 5—figure supplement 1). Figure 5—figure supplement 2 indicates the presence of the rail-MIP in the proximal flagellum. Figure 5—figure supplement 3 shows two additional holes in the S. rosetta inner junction. Scale bars: 10 nm (A, applies also to B, C); 20 nm (G, applies to all other images in the panel); 20 nm (H, applies to all other images in the panel).