Figure 6. Structural features of the S.rosetta central pair complex.
(A–B) Tomographic slices at two different positions of the averaged S. rosetta CPC. The slice in (A) highlights CPC projections C1a, C2b, and the central bridge, whereas (B) highlights C1b-c, C2a, and C2c-e. Averages were generated using 1323 particles from 28 different tomograms (Resolution information in Figure 3—figure supplement 1 and Table 1). (C) Isosurface rendering of the averaged central pair complex; projection colors follow (Carbajal-González et al., 2013). Black lines and rotation arrows indicate the viewing directions of (D) and (E). (D–E) Isosurface renderings showing longitudinal side-views of the averaged S. rosetta CPC. Note: panel (D) is oriented with the distal side of the flagellum to the left, and proximal to the right (D and P, respectively). The orientation of the CPC in relation to the 5–6 bridge, vane, and barb structures is shown in Figure 6—figure supplement 1. Additional species comparisons are provided in Figure 6—figure supplement 2. Scale bar: 10 nm (B, applies also to A).