Associations between alEC and DG/CA3H hyperconnectivity with Aβ and neurodegeneration. A, Increased alEC–DG/CA3H FC was significantly associated with continuous levels of global Aβ pathology (FBP SUVR). B, There was a significant interaction between object mnemonic discrimination performance and neurodegeneration in predicting alEC–DG/CA3H FC. In the MDTO– group (light red), increased FC between alEC and DG/CA3H was associated with decreased EC volume, indicating neurodegeneration. There was no significant relationship in the MDTO+ group (dark red). C, Increased global FBP SUVR, indicating higher levels of Aβ pathology, was associated with reduced EC volume. D, Increased global FBP SUVR had a trend-level association with reduced DG volume. **p < 0.01, *p < 0.05, +p < 0.10.