Fig. 1. Growth rate actuation via SpoTH and RelA+.
a Diagram of the circuit describing how SpoTH and RelA+ expression affect ribosomes and growth rate. The nucleotide ppGpp negatively regulates ribosome production and growth rate in E. coli during exponential growth. The synthesis of ppGpp is catalyzed from GTP/GDP by both RelA and SpoT, while the hydrolysis of ppGpp is catalyzed by SpoT only39–41. A modified version of SpoT with only hydrolysis activity (SpoTH) catalyzes the hydrolysis of ppGpp43. A modified version of RelA containing the N-terminal 455 residues of RelA (RelA+) catalyzes the synthesis of ppGpp33,34,64. Both SpoTH and RelA+ are expressed by a synthetic genetic circuit and are under the control of inducible promoters. The dashed flat headed arrow from SpoTH to ribosomes represents the load SpoTH expression places on ribosomes as its mRNA is translated. b Growth rate as a function of SpoTH level (inducer 1) for varying ppGpp concentration (different shades of gray). RelA+ (inducer 2) expression increases ppGpp level and thus decreases growth rate. See Supplementary notes 2 and 3 for a mathematical model.