Figure 16.
Increasing mitochondrial mass and fission is essential for PIM1 and RBMY-mediated distance metastasis of HCC. (A) Macroscopic views of livers and lungs harvested from the indicated mice. The black arrows show hepatic and pulmonary nodules. No metastatic tumors were found in the lungs of any control vector and HA-PIM1+GFP-NESm mice. (B) Immunoblotting of the protein lysates harvested from liver tissues of the indicated mice after death. A cartoon diagram illustrating that PIM1/RBMY-C+ and PIM1/RBMY-N+ impact different mechanisms is shown. (C) Double IFA staining of COX4 and Na+/K+ adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase), a plasma membrane marker, in liver tissue sections from the indicated mice. The white arrows show cells with mitochondria-surrounding nuclei. The yellow arrows indicate cells with increased mitochondrial mass and increased mitochondrial trafficking to the leading edge. DAPI, 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole.