Pattern persistence following initial learning
(A) MVCS matrices are depicted for an exemplar ROI and participant. Each matrix shows the correlation between each of the n voxels of the ROI with all the other voxels of the ROI during the pre-training resting state (RS1), Task A (i.e., motor sequence learning (MSL) training) and post-training resting state (RS2) runs. The similarity index (SI) between two matrices (RS1 vs. Task A and Task A vs. RS2) is defined as the r-to-z transformed correlation between each pair of MVCS matrices. RS1/Task A and Task A/RS2 SIs were compared to assess whether task-related patterns persisted significantly into post-learning rest (results presented in panel C).
(B) Depiction of the hippocampus (HC), putamen (Put) and primary motor cortex (M1) ROIs overlaid on the MNI 152 template as part of the software MRIcroGL available at
(C) Violin plots25 depicting the Similarity Indices (SI; Fisher Z-transformed correlation coefficients) between RS1 and Task A as well as between Task A and RS2 for the HC, Put, and M1. For the HC and Put, the pattern of neural responses observed during Task A persisted into the subsequent rest, reflective of the reactivation of learning-related neural activity. For all violin plots, individual data points are shown as small colored circles jittered on the horizontal axis within the respective plot to increase visualization (N = 55); white circles and horizontal black lines depict group medians and means, respectively. ∗ indicates p < 0.05 for paired t-test after FDR correction for multiple comparisons. Data underlying the figure are included in the file Data S1, Figure 2 Data.