Table 5.
The top prioritized infrastructure support actions for each participating country.
No. | Priority actions | Domain |
Finlanda | ||
1 | Interfering the lobbying in the food environment. | Governance |
2 | Launching a national nutrition monitoring for children and young people. | Monitoring |
3 | Funding the research of monitoring the implementation of nutrition recommendations and research related to it. The development of a holistic and health-promoting nutrition is considered in research funding priorities. Integrating a nutrition guidance and low-threshold lifestyle groups into service activities provided by social services and non-profit organizations. Taking the financial possibilities for healthy eating into account in families with children when assessing the need for social benefits. |
Funding and resources |
4 | Investing in long-term sustainability in funding systems for research on the food environment and NCDs. | Funding and resources |
Irelanda | ||
1 | Create a committee which monitors implementation of policies and procedures that ensure open and transparent approaches in the development and reviewing of food and nutrition policies and within the legislative process. | Governance |
2 | An Taoiseach to demonstrate visible leadership and commitment to the “Obesity Policy and Action Plan 2016-2025 (OPAP)” and commit to garnering cross-party support for the policy. | Leadership |
3 | Establish a formal platform between government and civil society - encompassing community groups, NGOs, academia, and The Citizens’ Assembly to increase engagement and participation in the planning and implementation of food and public health policies. | Platforms for Interaction |
4 | Establish a forum consisting of local and national government, policy experts, public health experts, and academia to facilitate information-sharing and knowledge transfer. The forum would identify priority areas and implement evidence-based policies to improve the food environment and population health outcomes. | Platforms for Interaction |
5 | The government to prioritize an evidence-informed national food and nutrition policy with explicit consideration given to the health impacts on vulnerable groups in Ireland and the determinants of health. This requires cross-departmental commitment to reducing health inequalities. | Health in all policies |
No. | Germanya | |
1 | Improved evaluation of existing and planned measures for the promotion of healthy nutrition, by providing financial resources and creating appropriate structures for independent and scientifically based evaluations. | Monitoring and intelligence |
2 | Improved monitoring of dietary behaviour and status through the provision of sufficient funding for regular, comprehensive, and nationally representative surveys of dietary behaviour and status (including body weight, purchasing and food preparation, food culture, and nutrition literacy), with particular attention to risk groups and reducing social inequalities. | Monitoring and intelligence |
3 | Improved exchange of knowledge and experiences and improved cooperation between policy, practice, and science by creating appropriate structures and procedures. | Platform for interaction |
4 | Strengthen nutrition-related content in the education of relevant professional groups, including educators, teachers, physicians, medical assistants, and nurses. | Funding and resources |
5 | Improved monitoring of food environments, including monitoring of the nutritional composition of processed foods, the extent of food advertising, food prices, and food availability in selected settings (including kindergartens, schools, universities, company cafeterias, hospitals, rehabilitation clinics, retirement homes, meals on wheels, and food banks). This includes providing sufficient financial resources for regular and close-meshed, comprehensive, and nationally representative surveys. | Monitoring and intelligence |
No. | The Netherlandsb | |
1 | Develop a government-wide national prevention policy and implementation plan containing universal, selective, indicated, and care-related prevention measures, aimed at, among other things, healthy food consumption and the reduction of diet-related (chronic) diseases among the entire population. Address the physical, socioeconomic, and digital living environment so that it contributes to the promotion of health and underlying socioeconomic determinants of unhealthy food consumption (e.g., poverty, stress). Make all ministries co-owners of this policy and encourage the collaboration between the ministries in this field. | Leadership |
2 | Support local governments with developing and implementing prevention measures aimed at a healthy food consumption, a healthy food environment and the reduction of diet-related (chronic) diseases. | Platforms for interaction |
3 | Develop concrete, measurable targets regarding prevention measures (preferably integrated in a national prevention policy), aimed at a healthy food consumption, a healthy food environment and the reduction of diet-related (chronic) diseases, which can be tested by an independent organization (RIVM) and make the total overview of the achieved and not achieved results on these targets publicly available. | Monitoring and intelligence / Governance |
4 | Increase the budget for universal, selective, indicated, and care-related prevention in the national budget, with at least 10% of the health care budget going to prevention in the first four years and gradually reversing the financing pyramid for health care (with most of it going to prevention instead of curative care). | Funding and resources |
5 | Develop an instrument for reporting about the food availability in supermarkets, shops, quick service restaurants, and catering that shows the share of healthy foods in relation to the total food product range, and make binding agreements with the involved parties (local governments, schools, hospitals, food producers etc.) about monitoring and reporting thereof. | Monitoring and intelligence |
No. | Norwayb | |
1 | Demonstrate clear, knowledge-based, and coherent political leadership in public health and nutrition policies This includes to:
Leadership |
2 | Ensure that there is access to qualified nutrition and food competence in the public sector.This means that the authorities:
Funding and resources |
3 | Ensure that nutrition is strengthened as part of public health actions and that "health in all policies" is implemented at all levels.This includes to:
Health in all policies |
4 | Monitor the compliance with the national Norwegian Guidelines for Food and Meals in schools, kindergartens, and after-school clubs, including in school canteens and kiosks. | Monitoring and intelligence |
5 | Ensure long-term financing of effective and health promoting nutrition and public health work in counties and municipalities.This includes to:
Funding and resources |
Polanda | ||
1 | Introduce a system of trainings on the healthy eating rules addressed to people responsible for feeding children (including cooks, authorizing officers, parents). | Governance |
2 | Promotion of the principles of healthy eating using the marketing tools, media campaigns, and influencers. | Governance |
3 | Introduce reimbursed dietitian services at the level of primary health care and specialist care. | Funding and resources |
4 | Regulate in a legal manner the profession of dietitian. | Governance |
5 | Facilitate the availability of fruit and vegetables in schools and workplaces. | Leadership |
Italya | ||
1 | Education of the general population on a healthy and balanced diet. | Governance |
2 | Increase funding for nutrition. | Funding and resources |
Spaina | ||
1 | Mandatory industry regulation should be established as current strategies are based on voluntary regulations which have not worked. | Leadership |
2 | To develop monitoring systems for the monitoring of food composition and promotion of unhealthy foods in the media. | Monitoring |
Sloveniab | ||
1 | Strengthening communication with the public. | Governance |
2 | Improving cooperation mechanisms. | Platform for interaction |
Estoniaa | ||
1 | Provide campaigns, practical guidelines, tools, training, and instructions to support healthy food choices by the public. | Funding and resources |
Portugala | ||
1 | Strengthen the strong and visible political support to improve food environments, to improve population nutrition, and to prevent and control diet-related NCDs and their inequalities. | Leadership |
2 | Include the healthy eating promotion programme in the basic portfolio of primary healthcare services. | Funding and resources |
3 | Set indicators for regular monitoring of dietary intake, nutritional status and health outcomes related to food and nutrition. (MONIT 2 and 3). | Monitoring and intelligence |
4 | Improve the nutrition and public health workforce by adjusting the ratio of nutritionists in Primary Health Care and by integrating at least one nutritionist in each Public Health Unit at primary health care level. | Funding and resources |
5 | Include, in national programmes on nutrition and healthy eating, the most vulnerable population groups, namely the elderly, pregnant women, children, adolescents, and immigrants, as priority action groups. | Leadership |
Prioritization based on importance and achievability
Prioritization based on the action's importance achievability and its contribution to equity