Designable features of nanoparticle scaffolds. Two main
when designing protein nanoparticle delivery systems are scaffold
source and scaffold modifications. (A–C) Protein nanoparticle
geometries commonly used for delivery applications have icosahedral,
octahedral, tetrahedral, or dihedral symmetry.18,19,71 Notably, the octahedral nanoparticle in
(B) is composed of eight identical trimer subunits, which are colored
differently to help visually distinguish individual subunits in the
context of the global structure. (D–F) Additional functional
elements are designed into the nanoparticle through subunit interface,
interior, and exterior modifications.25 (D) Interfaces between the trimer subunits (slate) and pentamer
subunits (gray) were computationally designed. (E) Interior residues
were mutated to hold a net positive charge, leading to electrostatic
association of mRNA. (F) Additional protein domains can be displayed
on the surface of existing nanoparticles. A, D: Reprinted
with permission.(18) B: Reprinted with permission.(19) C: Reprinted with permission.(71)