Figure 4 |. Experimentally elevating NMD decreases RNA accumulation in nuclear envelope invaginations in brains of tauR406W transgenic Drosophila.
A) Upf1 RNA levels in tauR406W Drosophila with and without Upf1 overexpression. B) Immunofluorescence-based quantification of Upf1 protein levels in tauR406W Drosophila with and without Upf1 overexpression. C) ELISA-based NMD-sensitive reporter activity in control Drosophila with and without Upf1 overexpression. Gadd45 (D) and Arc1 (E) transcript levels based on dPCR in tauR406W Drosophila with and without Upf1 overexpression. F) FISH/IF-based detection of polyA RNA and lamin in tauR406W Drosophila with and without Upf1 overexpression. Representative images include an orthogonal view of zoom region depicted showing polyA RNA-positive and -negative invaginations. G) Quantification of (F), percentage of nuclear envelope invaginations containing polyA RNA in flies of the indicated genotype. All assays were performed at day ten of adulthood. n=6–12 biological replicates per genotype. p*<0.05, one-way ANOVA. Error bars=SEM. Full genotypes are included in Supplemental Table 1.