Fig. 4. Mitochondrial RNA processing and polyadenlyation for MT-ATP6.
(A) Schematic of the polycistronic heavy-strand RNA transcript highlighting the RNA processing for MT-CO2, ATP6, and CO3. The processing between the ATP6 and CO3 CDS is not mediated by either RNase P or Z. The mechanism of this catalysis is currently unknown. ATP6 and CO2 both encode a stop codon in the CDS. (B) Deep sequencing analysis of the 3′ end of the processed ATP6 mRNA from cultured fibroblasts with the indicated genotypes. (C) Total nonstop mRNAs for ATP6 and CO2 generated by truncated polyadenylated transcripts. (D) Deep sequencing analysis of the 3′ end of the processed ATP6 mRNA from biologically independent healthy controls taken from cultured fibroblasts and myoblasts and human skeletal muscle biopsies. (E) Total nonstop mRNAs for ATP6 and CO2 generated by truncated polyadenylated transcripts from the samples in (D).